The motor shield that was built is now being used to command the steer motor. The base comes with a very small dc motor and a potentiometer. How the original electronic worked with that "servo" was not deeply investigated (what is the rated voltage of the motor?).
The test setup is the motor shield + arduino 2009 + potentiometer + dc motor
The potentiometer is being fed with
3v3 5v output from arduino, to have a stable reading. The input goes to an analogic port of arduino and is represented in a scale of 0 to 1023. There is some noise in this readings, around +/- 2 units in the 1024 scale.
note: maybe the maximum reference is still 5v ??a 3.3v is provided to the outputs of the l293 on the motor shield, by an external power source (in the future this will come from and independent 3v3 regulator, powered by a 3v7 LiPo battery).
the program running at arduino implements a PID control with the aid of the
Arduino - PIDLibrary.