Estimated current costs (excluding shipping costs):
-base: ~17€ (26 USD)
-mc: ~17€
-batteries: ~6.5€
-xbee modem: ~25€
total so far: 65.5€
what is missing?
deppending if I manage to use the h-bridge that comes with the base:
- build hbridge from lab components: ~10€ (l293e = 6.6€)
- buy motor driver shield:
--- Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino kit [v1.0] - the best and cheaper ~ 20.5
--- SparkFun Electronics - Ardumoto - Motor Driver Shield ~ 22€
--- Arduino - ArduinoMotorShield ~ 20.5
the xbee support:
- SparkFun Electronics - XBee Wireless Shield
- SparkFun Electronics - XBee Explorer Regulated ~9€ (may require some hardware modifications, don't change ttl signals level)
- SparkFun Electronics - Breakout Board for XBee Module (must build connections and level changer if to use a 5V board) ~ 4.5€
- XBee adapter - Simple wireless communication ~10€ (regulate power and ttl levels, pinout needs adapter)
- Arduino - ArduinoXbeeShield ~17.5€
steering servo:
- HobbyKing Online R/C Hobby Store : HXT900 9g / 1.6kg / .12sec Micro Servo ~ 2€
so, putting all together:
- expensive solution: 105€
- cheap sollution: 82€
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