- base: Wholesale rc car Product-10pcs/lot Mclaren model car Remote control toy ~29€ (40 USD)
- mc:Arduino Fio Sparkfun [SF-DEV-09712] - 19,22 €
- batteries: Polymer Lithium Ion Batteries - 1100mAh Sparkfun [SF-PRT-00339] - 6,41 €
- xbee modem: XBee 1mW Wire Antenna Sparkfun [SF-WRL-08665] - 22,43 €
- build hbridge from lab components: ~10€ (l293e = 6.6€)
- steering servo (not sure if necessary): HobbyKing Online R/C Hobby Store : HXT900 9g / 1.6kg / .12sec Micro Servo ~2€
putting all together, individual robot cost: ~90€
real costs to lab per robot (excluding xbee modem and hbridge costs): ~57€
50% extra batteries:
3+ Polymer Lithium Ion Batteries - 1100mAh [SF-PRT-00339] - 6,41 €
Xbee device to use with the computer:
2x XBee Explorer Dongle [SF-WRL-09819] - 23,07 €
Device to program the arduino:
2x FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V [SF-DEV-09873] - 12,82 €
Devices to change the bootloader of arduino (required to wireless program arduino)
1x Pocket AVR Programmer [SF-PGM-09825] - 12,82 €
1x AVR - ICSP Adapter [SF-DEV-09046] - 5,77 €
2x 2x5 AVR ICSP Male Header [SF-PRT-00778] - 0,51 €
Acessories for connections
4x Break Away Female Headers [SF-PRT-00115] - 0,96 €
4x Break Away Headers - Right Angle [SF-PRT-00553] - 0,96 €
4x Break Away Headers - Straight [SF-PRT-00116] - 0,64 €
USB cables to power arduino, recharge batteries, use programmer, use xbee explorer, use avr
4x USB miniB Cable - 6 Foot [SF-CAB-00598] - 2,69 €
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